What is "the space"? To me this usually occurs when you are letting go of an aspect of your personality that no longer fits who you are becoming. For example we all experience "the space" again and again as you grow.  It feels like something new is coming, life is changing rapidly or all that you knew and were familiar with is falling away, leaving you nothing solid to hang on to.  

For instance I believe I am in "the space" right now, the overwhelming feeling of having to quit a job and not know what the future holds but pure blind faith, that I am following my path. 

During being in "the space" you will find yourself asking many deep questions, such as "who am I", "Can I have what I want"  and "In an ideal world, what would my life look like", "what do I really want to be doing every single living breathing day"

A healing is taking place when you are in "the space", letting go of the old habits, listening to your soul and raising your vibration. 

Some of the symptoms that you are currently renewing, healing and raising your vibration are: Feeling lonely; feeling empty inside; want more time alone;  these are reflections of your wish to connect with your Higher self, and connecting with others is no substitute to connecting to your higher self.  As you begin to know and make friends with yourself, your loneliness decreases and a new perspective, a new or the real you is emerging.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    April 2012



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