Please feel free to leave comments on previous spirit reads or guidance you have experienced with myself as your reader. xxxx
heather craig from NY
4/23/2012 02:56:41 pm

Jem I would like to thank you for the comfort and support you have given me. I have learned a lot about myself and have taken the things you have said and guidance you have offered to heart. Having change my career path was the best thing I could have done. I don't know if I would have had the strength to had I not had our reading. Thanks you so much. You are a true angel and I am grateful that our paths have crossed. Love and light always. xoxoxo

Bud Lemire
4/24/2012 04:17:41 pm

Jem, you are very in tune with the spirits around you. My Dad came through and it confirmed how good you were and are. The information was exactly right. It was my Dad! What a comfort you gave me, to know my Dad is around me. You once again proved to me that "they never leave us" and "their love is forever." Thank you.

Valentina Vasileva
5/5/2012 11:32:13 pm

Messages from God's love ,light ,Archangels and spirit guides; techniques for accomplishing connection to that Universal enlightenment ? I want to say how happy I am to know Jem and that I have received her help in my inner need for that awareness in a real and unconditional loving way .For everyone who is coming to order a reading,be sure :you are in the right place on here! Dear Jem, thank you very much and I want to give you back my support as your friend and colleague.Blessings and love to you and your path. xxxxx


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